On MovieStarPlanet happened a lot of weirdo thing x'D
Okaii, well, Msp doesn't want to load...
Its logging in, and logging in, and logging in...
I can't go onto Msp....
Look !
Its just standing there on 95%, and IT DOESN'T WANT TO MOVE !
Im sad ( and i feel little angry ) when i can't go on Msp -.-'
Oh, and...
I was looking for the competitions, and...
What i saw?
Well, i saw this !
Well, Two Moviestars have just their head and arms x'D (Weird -.-)
And i was going to buy an animation...
Well, look what i saw.
Just head, arms, and One leg x'D
Well, here are some Wird thing of teh MovieStras =D
Lol, i don't want to comment it x'D
Its just, LOL XD
Okaii, welll, The Msp chat its getting weird too...
I wanted to write something to Knute, but i saw this:
Umm... Three Knutes?
And Two Hazels?
Well, now you can say thats on Msp everything Weird :S
LOL xD The online thingy happened to me exept it was like 10 .Mika.'s =P